EMDR Intensive Counseling in Florida
Wesley Chapel, Tampa, Lutz, and Nearby Areas

Your life can be different.
Have you tried talk therapy but it didn't help? Try a Multi-Day EMDR Intensive at Boundless Hope Christian Counseling in Floriday
You are more than the sum of all the terrible things that happened to you. An EMDR Intensive may be just what you need and is certainly a treatment approach worthy of your consideration. In fact, research has shown that EMDR Intensives are as effective as traditional EMDR therapy in a weekly setting. We offer EMDR Intensives in Tampa, Wesley Chapel, Lutz, and nearby areas.
"What will an EMDR Intensive healing experience look like for me?
Free 15-Minute Phone Consultation
This is an opportunity to have your questions answered and discuss any thoughts you may have. We want you to be confident in choosing this path and be ready to receive healing. Therefore, if you wish to have a deeper conversation or meet in person, you will need to schedule a 50-minute appointment. In this time, you and your therapist can get to know one another further and you can determine if they are a good fit.
If you decide that this is the right intervention for you, your therapist will work with you to create a customized Multi-Day Intensive plan.
Before Your Multi-Day Intensive
A personalized client workbook will be sent to you electronically prior to your Intensive. You’ll be asked to complete some assignments in preparation for your days of healing and will be using this personal workbook throughout your Intensive. It serves as a helpful tool for your therapist, providing them with important information for your treatment. It will also equip you to make progress on your treatment goals before, during, and after your EMDR Intensive sessions. Your therapist will outline what pages to complete, by what date, and how to return it to them so they can review what you have shared.
Self-Care Tips for Your Multi-Day Intensive
1. Show up rested and substance-free for all of the Intensive days, as it may be very draining.
2. Participate in the individual self-reflection exercises assigned to you. Utilizing these workbook exercises before, in between, and after your EMDR sessions will maximize the connections you make. While your therapist will not collect all exercises, they will be discussed in the session. Therefore, we highly encourage you to complete them on your own.
3. Clear your schedule: While some clients feel refreshed after EMDR, many feel tired or sleepy and find it hard to focus. Please clear space in your schedule to rest, have downtime, and take naps as needed. Do not schedule work meetings or other commitments during this time. Your brain will need space to process.
We recognize that you have your own story and unique journey. Although there are 8 phases to EMDR, your therapist will guide you through the process mindfully and safely. You can expect a fluid, flexible approach that prioritizes your individual needs. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all treatment and won’t box you into a standardized plan.
Phases of EMDR Therapy
Body scan
EMDR seeks to reprocess past memories, reframe preset beliefs, and lay a path for increased future emotional health - EMDR Intensive Counseling at Boundless Hope Christian Clinical Counseling in Florida
During Your Multi-Day Intensive
EMDR preparation will involve gathering history and completing assessments. These assessments will be utilized to establish treatment goals and determine EMDR targets. Your therapist will work with you to establish some go-to exercises that can bring rest to your weary soul immediately The resources set up for you during this time will be helpful for you to use both in and out of session.
Prior to beginning the reprocessing portion of EMDR, you will have learned stabilization techniques such as:
Your calm place
5 things in the room (sound, sight)
Body stretches
The container
Remote control
Light stream exercises
These techniques will be helpful resources for managing any disturbances you experience between sessions.
Some peoples' brains continue reprocessing after an EMDR session is over. While this is a good sign that the brain is continuing to heal itself, it can cause uncomfortable or disturbing physical sensations, emotions, images, or sounds from your past. You may also notice that your dreams change during your Multi-day Intensive or you may have different responses to stimuli. Again, it is important to remember that these are signs of good healing work taking place.
You will be keeping a log of any continued reprocessing or reprocessing effects you notice in between sessions. These can sometimes be fairly vivid at first. With reprocessing, they tend to fade until they are no longer distressing. After reprocessing is complete, they will be just the story of what happened without the disturbance.
After Your Mult-Day Intensive
An EMDR Intensive can be an illuminating experience, rich in assessment and treatment planning. After your Intensive, you will have new resources to help you ground yourself and a list of self-care methods to utilize. However, depending on your treatment goals, EMDR Intensives are not always curative or the end of therapy.
At times, depending on the extent of your need, a second Intensive may be helpful and recommended. During work together, you will have gained a clear sense of what, if anything, may need attention in future EMDR or talk therapy. If you do choose more EMDR, subsequent Intensive treatment would consist only of trauma reprocessing as all the preliminary stages of EMDR need not be repeated.
You will need to schedule a final revaluation session within 30 days after your Intensive to confirm the events processed have remained healed as expected. You can expect your therapist to assess and support your adaption to positive changes from treatment.
"What is the financial commitment required for an EMDR Intensive?"
Intensives are offered in 4, 6, or 8-hour days by different providers, with rates commensurate to their credentials.
A breakdown of rates per provider is found on the good faith estimate under “Intensives.” Credit card information is required to book your multi-day Intensive, at which time 50% of the total cost is due. This deposit is not refundable. It is transferable if the Intensive is rescheduled, provided notice is given at least 48 hours before your initially scheduled start day and time. Because of the time commitment, your therapist is making to you, exceptions will only be made for true emergencies, at the discretion of your therapist.
The remaining balance will be charged to your credit card on file during the first session of your Intensive.
"What else should I consider prior to scheduling an EMDR Intensive?"
The human brain can be unpredictable. Your Intensive may not go as smoothly as expected. Should you run into a detour, your therapist will help you return to the main road, often quickly because you are working at a faster pace overall.
Potential risks/considerations include:
Strong emotional reactions are common as difficult life experiences are processed
Processing continues for up to 48 hours after the session is over. In this time, you may be more irritable or prone to experiencing dreams
Forgotten memories may resurface
May result in sharper memories for some and fuzzier memories for others.
Consult your medical professionals before participation if you have a limiting or special medical condition (seizure disorder, heart condition, ocular difficulties, etc.) Pregnancy is not considered to be a limiting condition for EMDR. Longitudinal research has actually shown a positive impact for women who are pregnant.
EMDR may impact legal proceedings in which you will be called to testify. For example, you may not be as emotional of a witness as the prosecution would like, or details of the incident may change. If you are involved in a legal case and need to testify, please discuss this with your therapist.
Are you ready to take the next step toward greater healing? Email us or call to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation today.