One Another Ministry, the benevolent arm of Boundless Hope

One Another Ministry is the benevolent arm of Boundless Hope Christian Clinical Counseling.
The world is experiencing a spiritual and mental health crisis. Worldwide, the rates of individuals contending with the day-to-day impact of trauma and mental illness are increasing. Simultaneously, a greater percentage of Americans than ever are leaving the traditional church and/or have never been connected to a community of faith. The need for access to high-quality mental health care and trusted spiritual mentorship is increasing, however, there is an ongoing shortage of clinicians who are equipped to meet the existing needs. There are also entire groups of people unable to get needed care due to the lack of adequate financial resources.
One Another is a non-profit established by Boundless Hope’s owner, Jolene Lantz. It exists to serve believers and non-believers. We want people with and without Christian faith to experience the love of God, the hope of the gospel, and the comfort of the Spirit through Jesus-following clinicians. We want to lean in and tarry with the hurting, offering them professional, high-quality clinical work for a low cost. We also want to care for our clinicians by providing them with rightfully earned compensation.
Will you partner with us to help create an opportunity for people to feel safe, seen, and supported as they strive to heal?
“Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2